Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Life – A Reflection


Sometimes, life just tends to throw us into situations where we don’t have any choice but to go with the flow. All we can do is keep our heads above the water. Sometimes, this is a blessing. Sometimes, a curse. I’ve gone through a fair share of such occassions, but that’s not all.


On very rare occassions, life tends to pull us out of such situations as well. And when it does, it throws a flurry of opportunities at you. What do I do at such times? I try to grab and hold as many as I can because you never know if or when life may give you another chance.

What would you do?

I leave you to ponder this thought with a tune that has almost always been a source of inspiration and reflection for me.

Yiruma’s River Flows In You

Copyrights and thanks to the composer of this tune, for making perhaps one of the most beautiful and inspirational tunes I have ever heard.

enjoyment tube

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