Whitney Houston's Funeral: "Totally Opposite" of Michael Jackson's
Read more: http://uk.eonline.com/news/marc_malkin/whitney_houstons_funeral_totally/295046#ixzz1mdVnF9I9
Details of Whitney’s Death Emerge: Xanax and Alcohol May Be to Blame
If you don't already know, let me be the first to apologize for ruining what should have been a placid Sunday of Grammy-snarking — Whitney Houston, the diva that even Bret Easton Ellis's misogynistic, socially-numb serial killer held in high esteem, died last night at the heart-breaking age of 48. Houston's hairdresser and bodyguard were the first to find the singer with her face underwater in her bathtub at the Beverly Hilton where she was staying. Details are still scant, but, with typical journalistic stoicism, TMZ is already reporting that a mélange of Xanax and alcohol probably caused Houston to lose consciousness and drown in the tub. With ironic cruelty, fate determined that as members from the music community gathered at the Beverly Hilton to celebrate another year in mediocre music, they would mingle with the Los Angeles County paramedics transporting Houston's body from her hotel room to the coroner's office for an autopsy. Though Houston was plagued by years of drug abuse and a tumultuous 14-year marriage to Bobby Brown, she became the most-honored female singer of all time over her 25-year career, collecting more than 400 awards — including 6 Grammys and 30 Billboard Awards — and selling more than 170 million albums worldwide. She had a movie career that includes the VH1 go-to Saturday afternoon movie, The Bodyguard, as well as the more respectable and awesomely titled Waiting to Exhale. She's also credited with influencing the generation of female singers who followed her, a group that includes the likes of Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys, and Celine Dion, who, along with just about every other disconsolate celebrity, poured their sorrow and dismay through the social sluice ways late last night:
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