Families of several innocent Pakistani prisoners demanded the immediate release of their dear ones rotting in Saudi jails. Speaking in a press conference, the relatives of Saleem Khan of Manyar, Riaz of Parrai, Noor Khan of Amlook Dara and Sultan Zeb of Gwaratai Swat said that their dear ones have been rotting in Saudi jails for the last 10 years for sins unknown. According to the relatives, these individuals who are now rotting in the Saudi jails were ordinary laborers who were engaged in menial work like loading and unloading. From a chowk in Riyadh one Pakistani Ghani of Batkhela hired them for loading his truck, in the meantime, the Saudi police raided and arrested all the four including Ghani on discovering narcotics with Ghani. Although, Ghani was beheaded three months later after the arrest, whereas, the innocent laborers were sent to jails with penalties of 3.9 Million Saudi Riyals. The laborers belong to poor families and were in Saudi working on daily wages who are unequal to arrange for such exorbitant amount of money in order to be able to buy their release. Their families too are paupers and find it hard to make the two ends meet let alone arrangements of such huge amount of money. The families have implored the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Foreign Minister and The Chief Minister of KPK to have sympathy and materialize their release through compassionate basis and through furthering negotiations with the government of Saudi Arabia.
Original Source
Author: Fayaz Zafar
For more details visit: http://zamaswat.com/en/

Fayaz Zafar who hails from Saidu Sharif, Swat is a renown and accredited journalist. In addition to serving as a reporter to "Voice of America, AAJ TV and Daily Mashriq," he also runs successfully zamaswat.com.
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